Serving together makes service a joy!
Serving our neighbors, directly and through non-profits.
Beacon Teams
Join Good Shepherd parishioners in serving food at the Beacon, a ministry for unhoused people in downtown Houston, which was started by our diocesan cathedral parish.
Contact Godfrey Grey at 281.358.0895 or
Casserole Patrol
Show the love of God by making food for people in our community who have recently given birth or who are dealing with physical limitations. We need more volunteers for this ministry; even occasional participation is welcome!
Contact Janet Mansfield at 281.360.5143 or
Feed My Lambs
Meet on the 4th Tuesdays at 10:15am at the church to pack lunches, which are dropped off at low-income apartment housing in our area. To get more information about this ministry, please contact one of the following:
Hedy Gunther, 281.360.8238, Valerie McMullen, 281.360.4146, or Maureen Wheatley, 281.360.0742.
Funeral Receptions
Taking care of the reception food and set up is one of the ways we take care of people in our community when someone dies. When a funeral is scheduled the call for help goes out over email for food and help setting up.
To be added to the list of people who get the email, please send your name and email address to Virginia Murray using the button below.
HAAM - A Mission of Help and Hope
Humble Area Assistance Ministries (HAAM) provides essential social and community services to a growing number of people living on the brink and struggling to make ends meet.
Good Shepherd Supports HAAM through donations of money and specific items requested including a food drive in September and a bean drive in November.
LOTS - Lord of the Streets
Lord of the Streets is a church community that Restores and Rebuilds lives through ministries and relationships with people facing homelessness.
RESTORE: We work and pray to help restore every person to God's design: a right relationship with God, with self, with family and those we have offended, with the Church, and society.
REBUILD: We help each person to rebuild a life marked by 1) their belief in their inherent dignity, and 2) by habits of health of body and mind and spirit, and 3) productivity.
Good Shepherd Supports LOTS through donations of money and specific items requested.
Mission Northeast
Mission Northeast provides food, clothing and household items, as well as adult classes designed to build skills and support with job searches. Staff and volunteers build relationships with clients by getting to know them and helping them above and beyond their basic needs.
Good Shepherd provides funding and conducts drives for various items the agency needs.
Treat Our Visitors
Do you like to make cookies? Are you outgoing? Join the crew that welcomes visitors by bringing them homemade cookies and information about life at Good Shepherd. The time commitment for this ministry is minimal, and giving a warm welcome to newcomers is extremely important!
If you are interested in serving in this way, contact Kanon Gouralt.
Visiting Ill and Shut-in Members
There are two ways to serve ill and shut-in members of our church community. Flower Ministry members make simple flower arrangements from the flowers used in Sunday services and simply drop them off. Lay Eucharistic Visitors are trained to take the Eucharistic elements to members who can’t make it to church.
Look for the Flower Guild and Lay Eucharistic Visitors on the Liturgical Ministries page to find out more.