Monthly EYC events, Sunday School, Confirmation classes and an annual mission trip form our youth in the Christian life and faith. Serving as acolytes and VBS leaders, youth find themselves an integral and important part of the Good Shepherd Community. 

What’s Happening in EYC

ALL MEETINGS ARE FROM 5:30 - 7:30PM on Sunday, unless otherwise noted.

FEBRUARY's meeting on the 23rd features LOVE: Whats Faith got to do with it? We will be putting together care packages for our Good Shepherd Family attending college currently as well as having Pizza, chips, drinks, dessert and a lesson from our Feasting on the Word Curriculum.

MARCH 16th we will be celebrating St. Patricks day and eating green eggs and ham with all the extras (green milk, green sprite, green butter and a themed dessert) .

APRIL 13th we will be filling easter eggs for the upcoming Good Shepherd Easter Egg Hunt. Dinner TBD.

MAY we will be focusing on our Seniors in High School and celebrate their accomplishments. date TBD


I will need everyone to step up and volunteer and make this years VBS something to be remembered. The theme is True North and this program cannot happen without middle school, high school and adult volunteers. VBS will be from July 8th (Tues)- July 11th (Fri.) 9am-noon

It is never to early to let me know your availability or to volunteer for something specific that you desire.

July 20th -26th Good Shepherd EYC will be attending Camp Allen to volunteer or to be a part of the camp. I am so excited about this opportunity to connect with the diocese and more of our episcopal family. See more below…

Middle School Class

Sunday School is offered from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. during the school year for our Middle School Students. Class is held in Room 211. We use the Connect Curriculum published by Sparkhouse Digital to guide age-appropriate discussions.  All children's classes are taught by instructors who have taken Safeguarding God's Children. 


Confirmation Class began in September and is ongoing until Spring 2025 in Room 216/217.

Youth Mission Trip

Most years we have a youth mission trip. We have been to Oklahoma, Alaska, and Puerto Rico in the past. This year we are going to stay closer to home and minister through our diocesan summer camp, Camp Allen!

Those 16 and older can volunteer at the camp and receive free room and board for the week. Corky and other have signed up for the week of July 20th to 26th.

We have had a great response to our Camp Allen trip so far, and we are hopeful more children age 8-16 will sign up for camp, as well as more sixteen and over volunteers joining us to volunteer. Call, email or text Corky with any questions please.

Camper scholarships are available. When you sign up for Camp Allen, indicate that you would like a scholarship. You will need to pay the deposit amount, and let the church know that you need a scholarship. The church will pay approximately 1/3 of the camp tuition amount for the week indicated above for active members of Good Shepherd.