As we pray, so we believe
Gathering, listening, responding, sharing, and being sent forth
we are formed as members of Christ’s body and strengthened for service in the world.
How long are the services?
The 8:00am and 10:15am services last about 1 hour.
9:15am Family Celebration: 45 minutes or so.
Can I take communion?
All baptized Christians are invited and encouraged to receive communion. Children who have been baptized are welcome to receive also. Some parents choose to wait until their children have taken a first communion class (kindergarten—1st grade ages), but it is fine to have children receive communion and take the class later.
Should I bring my Bible?
Just bring yourself. Everything you need is provided. View a sample service leaflet.
What should I wear?
You will find people dressed very casually (jeans, t-shirts, etc.), more formally and all places in between. Just be yourself. You will fit in.
Where should I sit?
Good Shepherd has two large sections of seating in the center, and two smaller sections that are on either side of the altar. Sit wherever you are comfortable. Ushers can help you. Make yourself at home.
Where should I park?
We have a large parking lot surrounding the church. Parking is also available on Lake Hills Drive and in the small shopping center across the street.
Can I bring my children to church services?
Children are welcome to participate in all services. We have “doodle cards” in the pews for drawing or scribbling. The Family Celebration Service is specifically designed for children. Children are active in the service itself, and no one expects any of the children to sit still or be quiet.
Nursing mothers who would like some privacy are welcome to use the reception area of the church office during the services. Please check with an usher for access.
Quiet simplicity and traditional language (thee and thou) characterize our early service. The piano is played during the distribution of the bread and wine, and there is only one hymn with organ accompaniment at the end of the service.
Designed for families, this service includes bible readings, prayers, a message for children (no sermon) and communion. Children as young as two or three are encouraged to participate fully by taking a role in the procession, reading, or collecting prayer requests.
Our largest service, this contemporary language service includes choir, organ, and congregational hymn singing. Acolytes 10 yrs old and up assist the clergy and lay ministers. During communion, members of the Order of St. Luke offer healing prayer in the side chapel.
Morning Prayer Via Zoom/Hybrid - 6:30am every weekday morning; Tuesdays and Fridays you can join either via Zoom or in person in the chapel. Send an email to Pam Nolting if you would like to join us in this real-time (not pre-recorded) service via Zoom or show up at 6:30am on Tuesday or Friday.
Wednesday Noonday Prayer with Healing - This short service of prayer and reflection (about 20-25 minutes) includes an opportunity to bring your specific requests for healing and have prayers said for you or a loved one by a priest and/or lay people who will lay hands on you. Join us at noon in the chapel.
Saturday Christian Meditation 9:00 to 10:00am - This open and ongoing group is part of the World Community for Christian Meditation. It includes a brief check-in and introductions, a 15-20 minute presentation on a meditation topic, and ends with 25 minutes of silent meditation. To join this group, please email Mother Celeste
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