Dedication of Easter Lilies
to Apr 12

Dedication of Easter Lilies

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dedication of Easter Lilies: Recognize or Memorialize Your Loved Ones

If you are interested in dedicating one or more potted Easter lilies to a loved one for our Easter season, please be sure to fill out the dedication card located in the Narthex before April 16. The lilies are used to decorate the church and the Narthex during the Easter season and help us bring to mind the season of renewal and remembrance. The Flower Guild is requesting a dedication amount of $20 per lily. Please place the dedication card in an envelope with the funds and turn it in to the donation plate or the office. For more information, contact any flower guild member, Donna Clifford, Sue Panzarella or Teri Watson.

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Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper March 4th

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper March 4th

Sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office to attend our Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) celebration complete with pancakes, breakfast meats, mardi gras beads and a fun time for all!

We also need help with set up and clean up! The bulletin board has sign-ups for that as well.

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Adult Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation
to Apr 8

Adult Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation

Adult Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation

If you are looking to officially join the Episcopal Church, or have been away from church for a while and want to renew your commitment, or if you have never been confirmed, please talk to Mother Celeste about the rites for adult confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation. To prepare for one of these rites, please attend on of the Tuesday classes if you did not already attend the membership class last fall.

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to Apr 8

Tuesdays During Lent: Focus on Covenants

Tuesdays During Lent: Focus on Convenants

For the season of Lent we will be exploring the idea of covenant relationships in both the Tuesday morning bible study at 9:30am and on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm in Room 208. This class will look at the pattern for covenants in the Old Testament, our baptismal covenants and marriage covenants, including a discussion of how same sex relationships are understood in The Episcopal Church. These classes are for anyone who wants to attend and recommended for those who want to officially join the church at the Bishop’s visit this April 16th, so come in the morning or in the evening as is convenient for you!

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EYC Meeting March

EYC Meeting March

Join us this Sunday August 18th from 5:30-7:30 where we will be deciding the new teen Vestry Council and hearing an inspiring talk about a personal spirit journey. It is a great opportunity to get involved and have fellowship with peers from our church and please bring a friend from school so we can all connect with our community. We will eat a meal, get all your ideas for mission trip, fellowship, and make our calendar activities for the year. Don’t miss out on a fun enriching experience. Participating in EYC will also help you with school service hours and leadership skills not to mention making memories that will last a lifetime.

Hope to see you there.

Corky Foltz

281-770-0848 (Cell), Text me with any questions

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Acolyte Training

Acolyte Training

Acolyte Training -It is a tradition at Good Shepherd that ALL young people between 9 years old and graduation should participate in this beautiful ministry.   It has been a role for youth since about the second century and we encourage our youth to take their proper place in the worship of the church.   We will welcome new members 9 years old or more for a brief training on March 23rd after the 10.15 service.   We will gather in the Great Hall at 11:45 and start with lunch together.   We should finish at about 3.30 p.m.   Please come and join us.   We are sure you will be glad you did! Contact Paul Brinsden any Sunday at church or at 832- 314- 9160 or


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Blood Drive April

Blood Drive April

Blood Drive: April 13, Palm Sunday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center welcomes ages 16 and beyond. Wondering if you are able to donate? FAQ's answered at or call Mary Ellen Yale. Also, stop by the jumbo bus and chat with a technician for an on-the-spot answer.

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EYC Meeting April

EYC Meeting April

April we will be filling easter eggs for the upcoming Good Shepherd Easter Egg Hunt. The date of the meeting will be April 13th 5:30-7:30pm and dinner TBD.

Hope to see you there.

Corky Foltz

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The Big Questions: Jr. High Retreat
to Apr 27

The Big Questions: Jr. High Retreat

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Theme: Belonging

Today’s teenagers are the most anxious, adaptive, and diverse generation in history. While every teenager is a walking bundle of questions, 3 rise above the rest:

Who am I?

Where do I belong?

What difference can I make?

This year, we’ll be exploring the question, “Where do I belong?”

Come and join us for this exciting weekend of fun, games, and hanging out with friends while we discover what it means to find a community where we can be truly accepted for who we are. Let’s find out together how our faith helps us to transform our communities into places where we can all deeply experience belonging and friendship.

For more information, or to register, click here:

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Confirmation Meeting for Teens & Parents

Confirmation Meeting for Teens & Parents

If your teen wants to be confirmed at the bishop's visit on Wednesday, April 16th, please plan to attend a brief meeting at 11:45am in the youth room. This meeting is required for all teens who wish to be confirmed and their parents. If you can't make it to this meeting, please arrange an alternate time to meet with Mother Celeste.

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EYC February Meeting

EYC February Meeting

Join us this Sunday August 18th from 5:30-7:30 where we will be deciding the new teen Vestry Council and hearing an inspiring talk about a personal spirit journey. It is a great opportunity to get involved and have fellowship with peers from our church and please bring a friend from school so we can all connect with our community. We will eat a meal, get all your ideas for mission trip, fellowship, and make our calendar activities for the year. Don’t miss out on a fun enriching experience. Participating in EYC will also help you with school service hours and leadership skills not to mention making memories that will last a lifetime.

Hope to see you there.

Corky Foltz

281-770-0848 (Cell), Text me with any questions

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Road Runners Kemah Mardi Gras Celebration

Road Runners Kemah Mardi Gras Celebration

Let the Good Times Roll!

Join the Road Runners to watch the good times sail when lavishly decorated Mardi Gras boats parade past the Kemah boardwalk. Billed as our nation’s largest Mardi Gras parade and we’ll have prime viewing from the dock at Landry’s.

Meet at the church at 4:30PM to get on the bus. Complete details are in the flyer linked below, and the sign up is on the bulletin board.

Here is a link to the flyer with more information.

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Scout Sunday

Scout Sunday

Our Scout Troop will join us at the 10:15 service on Sunday, February 16th. All members of the scouts and their families are encouraged to attend. Good Shepherd looks forward to welcoming you!

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Women's Book Club

Women's Book Club

 If you have time open in your busy schedule and enjoy reading & sharing your thoughts,  please consider joining our Good Shepherd Book Club. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 12pm in Rms 205-207. Coffee/Tea will be available & you are invited to bring your lunch as we discuss our book. Our (February 13th) book will be

“The Beekeeper of Aleppo” by Christy Lefteri.  

Happy Reading ~ Judith K. Light


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Prime Timers

Prime Timers

Join us for an early Valentines Dinner for fellowship and fun.

Our next PrimeTimers’ dinner will be held on Tuesday, February 11 th , at 5:00 p.m. at The El Jimador Mexican Grill located at 1578 Kingwood Drive (next to Chelseas’ Deli). Their Mexican food is outstanding, and moderately priced. Order off their menu and separate checks will be provided with 20% gratuity. Please check out the menu located next to the signup sheet.

Please sign up by Sunday, February 9th if you plan to attend. For more information, contact Bobby at 512-629-1385.

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Parish Work Day

Parish Work Day

Join a dedicated team of handy-men to do odd maintenance jobs around the church like changing lightbulbs, weeding, paint touch ups, etc… Contact the Jr. Warden, Martin Light, for more information about what is scheduled to be done this month.

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Galentines Social

Galentines Social

Good Shepherd School invites all moms, grandmas, and other important role models to a Galentines Social from 7-9pm on Tuesday, February 4th. Join us for socializing, yummy food, and adult beverages. This event is open to anyone associated with the church or school. If you plan to attend, please RSVP: 832.291.9255

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Boundaries for Better Communications

Boundaries for Better Communications

Having strict boundaries can push people away, while too few can leave you feeling hurt or taken advantage of. Boundaries can look like saying "no" to things or setting limits on how you interact with others. It might feel weird at first, but setting boundaries ultimately helps you live the life you want and have healthier relationships.

Wanna learn more? Come to our weekly Tuesday night group starting January 28th from 7:00-8:00 p.m.! We'll dive deeper into setting and learning to respect others healthy boundaries. Hope to see you there!

NOTE: This class was originally scheduled to start on the 21st but was delayed due to the snow storm.

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EYC Meeting

EYC Meeting

Join us this Sunday August 18th from 5:30-7:30 where we will be deciding the new teen Vestry Council and hearing an inspiring talk about a personal spirit journey. It is a great opportunity to get involved and have fellowship with peers from our church and please bring a friend from school so we can all connect with our community. We will eat a meal, get all your ideas for mission trip, fellowship, and make our calendar activities for the year. Don’t miss out on a fun enriching experience. Participating in EYC will also help you with school service hours and leadership skills not to mention making memories that will last a lifetime.

Hope to see you there.

Corky Foltz

281-770-0848 (Cell), Text me with any questions

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Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting

Parish Meeting & Vestry Elections- Join us on November 17th after the Sunday service for our parish meeting. We will elect six new Vestry members and hold a Q&A session with the Vestry and Mother Celeste. Discussion topics may include the search for a new priest, new committee activity, building updates, the 2025 budget and more. Your participation is vital!  For more information, contact Bob Kessler 281-650-4025


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Road Runners….. Mark your calendar for a night out on Friday, January 24. Join us as we travel to the Owen Theater in Conroe for the production of A Bedroom Farce. The play is based on Trevor and Susannah’s marriage which is on the rocks. They share their miseries with their nearest and dearest: three couples whose own relationships are tenuous at best. Taking place sequentially in the beleaguered couples’ bedrooms during one Saturday night of riotous dysfunction, the beds, tempers and domestic order get ruffled, leading to a hilariously touching epiphany. A long-running hit in London and New York. Theatre ticket $25.00….a bargain! We are still discussing restaurants and departure times so watch the bulletin board for complete details but PLEASE sign up as soon as possible. Theater tickets will be purchased well in advance. Reserve your spot! Call us if you have questions. Trish, 281-748-9466 & Sue, 832-656-4528


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Men’s Breakfast Club

Men’s Breakfast Club

Our Men’s Breakfast Club will meet on Saturday, January 18th at 8:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Men 18 and older are invited to attend. After breakfast, there will be fun and fellowship for everyone including card games, dominoes, board games, etc. for everyone. Please bring your favorite game to share. Please sign-up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend. Contact Bobby Watson at 512-629-1385 if you have any questions. Hope to see you there.



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Parish Work Day

Parish Work Day

Join a dedicated team of handy-men to do odd maintenance jobs around the church like changing lightbulbs, weeding, paint touch ups, etc… Contact the Jr. Warden, Martin Light, for more information about what is scheduled to be done this month.

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Women's Book Club

Women's Book Club

If you are looking for something exciting to begin your New Year off right, then please consider joining our Good Shepherd Book Club. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 12pm in Rms 205-207. Coffee/Tea will be available & you are invited to bring your lunch as we discuss our book. The (January 9th) book is “The Demon of Unrest” by Eric Larson. Our (February 13th) book will be “The Beekeeper of Aleppo” by Christy Lefteri. 

Happy Reading ~ Judith K. Light



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Blood Drive

Blood Drive

Blood Drive This Sunday January 5th!  9am – 1pm  Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center will welcome those who’ve made appointments online as well as walk-ins.  Consider giving 30 – 45 minutes of your time today to the universal need for blood, plasma and platelets.  16 yr olds with a picture ID and parental consent are welcomed.



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Carols & Cookies

Carols & Cookies

Carols and Cookies December 29 at 6:30 p.m. Come and enjoy a Good Shepherd tradition of singing your favorite Carols and Christmas songs.  . The evening will end with our traditional tasty cookies.  Come on out and get into the Christmas Spirit.

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Road Runners Christmas Party

Road Runners Christmas Party

Road Runners,  Mark your calendar for our Christmas party on Saturday, December 14th at 5:30 p.m. Bring a $15.00 wrapped gift to enjoy the gift exchange. Dinner provided by your hostesses: Trish, Sue, Virginia and Lynn.  Car pooling available from the Church.  See you at 22429 Kidd Cemetery Rd, New Caney. Sign up on the bulletin board or text Trish at 281-748-9466.

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Ladies Christmas Social

Ladies Christmas Social

Ladies Christmas Social on December  6

Please join us for the annual Christmas Social. Host a table of 6-7 of your friends. Bring something sweet or savory to share. You will decorate your own table in your favorite holiday decor. This event is so much fun, and it really gets us into the Christmas spirit. Alcohol is permitted. There will be a guest speaker. Friday, 12/6/24, 6:30pm-8:30pm, RSVP or questions to Jeannie Whitney at 713-702-9456 or


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Evok Concert

Evok Concert

On Tuesday, December 3, Lone Star's Concert Choir and EVoK will present a joint concert at 7:30 p.m.  This concert is free and is always excellent and well-received.  Please come and enjoy this opportunity to get away from the worries of the world and revel in the beauty of music of the season.  


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Advent Wreath Making

Advent Wreath Making

We will be making advent wreaths on December 1st after the 9:15 a.m. service and the 10:15 a.m. service. All supplies will be provided.  One wreath per family


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Thanksgiving Service at Lord of the Streets

Thanksgiving Service at Lord of the Streets

Thanksgiving Service at Lord of the Streets-In lieu of a Thanksgiving service at Good Shepherd this year, you are invited to service at Lord of the Streets on Wednesday, November 27th at 11:00 a.m.  Their weekly services are held at Trinity Episcopal Church at 1015 Holman in Midtown.  This is an especially notable time for the clients of LOTS in that the Bishop will be in attendance for confirmation of the members.  You are all invited to attend.  In addition, the Outreach Committee is organizing to give out “Goodie Bags” to the clients of LOTS after the service.  They will be attending their own luncheon but we wanted to add to their holiday with the bags.  Many of the downtown services that normally provide food over the weekend for the homeless will be closed because of Thanksgiving. 

Volunteers are invited to pack the goodie bags after the 9:15 service on November 16th and 23rd if necessary. 


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Madrigal Concert

Madrigal Concert

Thursday, November 21, the K-Park High School Madrigals will offer a one-hour free preview of their Christmas concert at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

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Parish Meeting & Vestry Elections

Parish Meeting & Vestry Elections

Parish Meeting & Vestry Elections- Join us on November 17th after the Sunday service for our parish meeting. We will elect six new Vestry members and hold a Q&A session with the Vestry and Mother Celeste. Discussion topics may include the search for a new priest, new committee activity, building updates, the 2025 budget and more. Your participation is vital!  For more information, contact Bob Kessler 281-650-4025


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Parish Work Day

Parish Work Day

Join a dedicated team of handy-men to do odd maintenance jobs around the church like changing lightbulbs, weeding, paint touch ups, etc… Contact the Jr. Warden, Martin Light, for more information about what is scheduled to be done this month.

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Prayers for Our Election

Prayers for Our Election

Join Election Night Virtual Prayers-Tuesday, Nov. 5, 8-10 p.m. ET. Everyone is invited to join Election Night Virtual Prayers hosted by The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations. Bishop Sean Rowe, who will become presiding bishop on Nov. 1, will offer an opening reflection and prayer. Episcopalians from around the church will hold silence and lead participants in prayers together for peace, the nation, and all people and countries. Register to join via Zoom, or watch a Facebook livestream.  Links for the zoom and Facebook options are available on our website.


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