
Ushers help make the worship experience hassle-free and spiritual for all participants. Their responsibilities include distribution of the Order of Service and Weekly Announcements, passing the plate during Offertory, and guiding worshipers to the rail for Holy Communion. After service, they collect stray bulletins and generally spruce up the worship area and Narthex. They also assist at special services, such as weddings, funerals, and confirmation. Ushers serve on teams approximately once per month.
If you would like to be an usher, please contact Randy Sutton.


Greeters greet parishioners and newcomers at the 10:15 am service. Newcomers are introduced to the welcome desk in the narthex where they can ask questions and get information about membership in the Church. There are six Greeter teams, each with two members. Each team serves every six weeks.

If you would like to be a Greeter, please contact Art Nolting at 713.806.1549 or Valerie McMullen 281.360.4146 or Lyn Ballay at 281-221-6564 or use the email links by clicking on their names.


Lay Eucharistic Ministers


Lay Readers and Prayer Leaders